CALMLY grew out of an understanding of my own process in connecting with myself and God. Meditation has been difficult for me, for I have always had a mind that races from one thing to the next and a body that is always in motion. But I have also learned the great benefits of meditation, of going deep within myself to unravel my emotions and thoughts and get unstuck. I have found that when I empty myself of “me,” I am able to find a more loving, compassionate and sacred way of looking at myself, others and the world around me. Music allows me to experience a state of deep contemplation and stay present.

What exactly is CALMLY? CALMLY is my unique process synthesizing mindfulness, meditation and music to help you create a life that aligns with your deepest values and connect more deeply with God. Each letter stands for a specific intention so that you can release limiting thoughts, fears and emotions and experience a life of increased  wonder and joy. (C-center, A-Aware, L-Let Go, M-Make Space, L-Listen, Y-Yourself/ Yahweh) My original compositions will help you meditate through each step in a uniquely transportive experience. The Calmly Music meditation spiritual series includes one hour of guided meditations which includes 25 minutes of music to help you internalize each step in the process. The series can be experienced all together, or used in segments. CALMLY can be used individually, or in groups, for instance at retreats.

Once you experience Calmly you will realize that is so much more than a meditation technique. It is a way of approaching your life and each problem with intention instead of reactivity. Calmly is a way of learning to listen to yourself in the moment so that you can make immediate adjustments to your mindset while shedding light on  the “root” of your emotions and reactions.  

Get started with this series today and learn how to become more present to each moment!  The CALMLY meditation series can be purchased below:

Live Life CALMLY t-shirts are available at the store!