I wrote this book because I wanted to have have an easily digestible book about sound healing. I often find that new clients are curious as to what they are getting into, and how sound healing works. While there are some great book out there, they can be very detailed and technical and maybe a bit much for those who just want an overview. This short book can be read in an hour and includes the history, science behind and benefits of sound healing. I also include a list for further reading if you want to learn more. The e-book is only $2.99 and the paperback is $8.99. Click the button to find the link on Amazon.

What is
Sound Therapy

Sound healing is an auditory experience given by a practitioner who creates intentional sounds that are felt in the body. Instruments such as crystal bowls, gongs and other instruments  help regulate the central nervous system and realign the body with its natural frequencies so that healing can occur.

What does Sound Healing help with? What are the benefits?

Sound therapy has physical and mental benefits. 

Sound therapy can shift our brain waves from Alpha to Delta state, where healing and regeneration can occur.  Through activation of our vagus nerve, sound therapy can induce a deeply relaxed state, known as parasympathetic mode and lower heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and help regulate the nervous system. Sound therapy entrains the body  to natural frequencies and reverses the effects of harmful frequencies caused by technology. 

What are the emotional benefits of sound therapy?

Our bodies remember trauma on a cellular level.  For some people, even when they don't feel anxious they may have trouble being relaxed. The body, in this case, holds is in a constant state of flight or fright. This can lead to chronic illness.  Somatic therapies such as sound therapy and Reiki can help release trapped, negative energy related to traumatic memories.

What happens in a Sound Bath? 

You will lie down on a yoga mat and consciously listen to the sounds that I play on my instruments. Your body will hear and feel the vibrations and help you to relax.

Do I need to do anything during a Sound Bath? 

No, just listen to the sounds being played without judgment or anticipation. Allow yourself to be fully present to the moment. 

Is it normal if I fall asleep? 

Yes, it is completely normal as sound therapy puts you into a deeply relaxed state. Your body will still experience the benefits of sound therapy even if you are asleep. 

Benefits of Sound Therapy

It’s a practice to really listen. I liked that you had a long sound punctuated by shorter sounds made it interesting. I imagined a bird in the forest, and then when you changed the sound, it brought me to a beach. I do meditations as part of my work, but not sound and it’s a different experience that I want to explore more. Ting V, founder, Parenting from the Inside Out

I just want to let you know that the effects of your sound vibrational healing hour continued on throughout the day. I feel more clarity and better focused energy and getting what I need to do. It was a very good healing experience. Patty, Massage Therapist.

  • Deep Relaxation 

  • Regulation of nervous system

  • Quieting the mind

  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate

  • Reverses effects of technology to attune body to its natural frequencies

  • Puts the body into a healing state (theta brain waves)

  • Helps with Sleep disorders

  • Reduces Anxiety

  • Helps with Depression

  • Helps with PTSD

  • Reduces chronic pain 

  • Enhances emotional, mental, spiritual  well-being


Thank you for yesterday, it was fun! A Lot of us have trouble quieting our mind because we have a very full life and a lot of stuff going on in different areas. And what I noticed is that the sound kind of grabs your mind and doesn't allow you to think about anything else. It immerses you in the sound, so that’s a benefit to relax your body. Just a meditative benefit. That’s what sound does to me, takes my mind off of anything that might try to get in and out of my mind. You do have your thoughts and you are told not to worry about it, just let them go out the other side, but I didn’t find any of that happening when those sounds were on. So that’s a big thing for some people. If they could just have 10 minutes without all that cacophony going on in their head, without all that worry and anxiety that they’re dealing with through sound, that’s a big lesson. Margy H, Professional Violinist and Music Teacher

It was relaxing…never experienced something like that before… Robin, retired music teacher

Thank you for the beautiful session with Leslie. It was very restorative. She is very gifted in this healing art. Christy, Mindfulness Teacher

It was very restorative, soothing, and peaceful. Biju, engineer

Loved today. I walked in with so much tension in my jaws and hips and walked out with a relaxed smile and tension free! Lovely day with wonderful women! Some of the sounds created joy out of me. And the deeper sounds seemed to draw something more from my heart. Some drew from my head, some drew from my heart, but you could feel your body responding in different ways. Susan S, Social Worker 

Sound Therapy with a Professional Musician

Music Bliss

In-Person and Virtual Sound Baths, Music and Meditation