Leslie Schroerlucke, Conductor

Leslie has directed the Chaparral Middle School Wind Ensemble for 20 years, building an enviable program of @200 students per year. The Wind Ensemble has won many Gold ratings at the National Festival of Gold and countless Superior ratings at regional music festivals, often performing music typically reserved for high-school musicians.

Empowering Students to Achieve

“ I believe what has made me successful as a conductor is my unwavering belief and expectation that my groups will succeed. This guides every aspect of rehearsal and interaction with them so that they are empowered to always do their best. My students like that we are not only learning how to play, but what the music means and how to interpret it. And I have never bought into the idea that middle school students need to sound like beginners.”

A Top-Notch Musician

I feel fortunate that I can bring from my conservatory training and professional orchestral experience to my students. Rehearsals are efficient, and the growth that I witness through their middle school years is amazing.


As a young professional some of my greatest life experiences involved performing and traveling. I have a passion to create like experiences for other musicians. I spent several summer in Italy at the Puccini Festival and Spoleto’s Festival of Two Worlds. In the last 10 years, I have been fortunate return with other musical affiliations.

Travel combined with music is always a great experience and increases cultural awareness and understanding. There is nothing like sharing the hours and hours of rehearsal with an enthusiastic audience and watching students witness how powerfully their performances can move others. As the band director at Chaparral Middle School in Diamond Bar, CA for 20 years, my wind ensemble performed at Boston Symphony Hall, Disneyworld, the Kennedy Center, Chicago Symphony Hall and venues throughout California.

I am thrilled to be the Director of Students and Affiliates for the Assisi Performing Arts Festival, which provides chamber music and performance opportunities for musicians of all ages. For more information, visit our festival website at www. assisiperformingartsfestival.com