C-A-L-M-L-Y Guidebook and Music Meditation Series


C-A-L-M-Y is a unique process synthesizing mindfulness, meditation and music to help you become more present to each moment, process emotional blockages, feel more connected to God, and create a life that aligns with your deepest values.

Each letter stands for a specific intention so that will help you to release limiting thoughts, fears and emotions and experience a life of increased  wonder and joy. (C-Cave of Wonder, A-Aware, L-Let Go, M-Make Space, L-Listen, Y-Yourself/ Yahweh) My original music compositions will help you meditate through each step in a uniquely transportive experience. 

C-A-L-M-L-Y can also be used in small groups or for those facilitating retreats or group meditations. It can also be used as an individual meditation practice. Once you understand the steps, you can listen to the playlist by itself. The series last one hour and includes 25 minutes of original music.

To purchase the C-A-L-M-L-Y playlist, click to redirect to the Gumroad website below: ( do not click on the add to cart button!)

CALMLY Meditation Series

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C-A-L-M-Y is a unique process synthesizing mindfulness, meditation and music to help you become more present to each moment, process emotional blockages, feel more connected to God, and create a life that aligns with your deepest values.

Each letter stands for a specific intention so that will help you to release limiting thoughts, fears and emotions and experience a life of increased  wonder and joy. (C-Cave of Wonder, A-Aware, L-Let Go, M-Make Space, L-Listen, Y-Yourself/ Yahweh) My original music compositions will help you meditate through each step in a uniquely transportive experience. 

C-A-L-M-L-Y can also be used in small groups or for those facilitating retreats or group meditations. It can also be used as an individual meditation practice. Once you understand the steps, you can listen to the playlist by itself. The series last one hour and includes 25 minutes of original music.

To purchase the C-A-L-M-L-Y playlist, click to redirect to the Gumroad website below: ( do not click on the add to cart button!)

CALMLY Meditation Series

C-A-L-M-Y is a unique process synthesizing mindfulness, meditation and music to help you become more present to each moment, process emotional blockages, feel more connected to God, and create a life that aligns with your deepest values.

Each letter stands for a specific intention so that will help you to release limiting thoughts, fears and emotions and experience a life of increased  wonder and joy. (C-Cave of Wonder, A-Aware, L-Let Go, M-Make Space, L-Listen, Y-Yourself/ Yahweh) My original music compositions will help you meditate through each step in a uniquely transportive experience. 

C-A-L-M-L-Y can also be used in small groups or for those facilitating retreats or group meditations. It can also be used as an individual meditation practice. Once you understand the steps, you can listen to the playlist by itself. The series last one hour and includes 25 minutes of original music.

To purchase the C-A-L-M-L-Y playlist, click to redirect to the Gumroad website below: ( do not click on the add to cart button!)

CALMLY Meditation Series

All of the music included with this guide was composed and recorded by Leslie Schroerlucke.